Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sandbox Project Board Presentation

Sandbox Project Board Presentation

This week students had the opportunity to share our hard work on the Sandbox Project with the Bridge School Board of Directors.  They were nervous and excited while they prepared, but did an excellent job delivering their ideas to the board.

Here is the proposal they presented to the board:

October 30, 2012
Dear Bridge School Board:
We would like to have a sandbox in our play area.  Our class measured the outside area and decided the best place for the sandbox.  After we measured we figured out the cost of the materials.  The cost of the sandbox will be approximately $785.00 plus tax.  Right now we only have balls and hula hoops.  This would be another choice for the students at recess.  We are asking you for money for the sandbox so the cooperative school can have fun.  If you grant our reasonable request we will start building so kids can have fun.

Thank you for your time and respectful consideration of our request.

Determined Bridge School Builders
Moriah, Kaylee, Ethan, CarolJean, Rian, Evan, Sam, Elliot, Zavyen and Zachery

Thank you to all of you who have helped with this project.  The board is currently working out the financial portion of this request and we have also submitted a grant request that will hopefully cover a portion of it.  Stayed tuned for more information on how you can help us begin building!

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